Rental Friendly Faux Board and Batten DIY

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Rental friendly faux board and batten diy with dog wallpaper on the upper wall

This article gives step-by-step instructions for creating faux board and batten using contact paper and PVC trim. This DIY project is rental-friendly and doesn’t require any expensive power tools. 

We currently rent a house and the half bath felt plain. Instead of adding artwork I decided to wallpaper the upper wall and add a faux board and batten to the bottom of the wall. 

I had the trim molding cut in-store and adhered to it using command strips. I followed a similar process in my laundry room last year and the trim still looks good.

After adding the faux board and batten I can say it’s an easy 1 day project! It adds character to a plain wall and if you are wallpapering—it will likely save you money not installing wallpaper to the floor. 

Before picture of a plain rental half bathroom

5 Steps To Install Faux Board and Batten

1. Adhere White Contact Paper to the Wall

Measure the height you want for your white contact paper and install top to bottom using a wallpaper smoothing tool. I started in the middle of the wall, then repeated on either side until the bottom half of the wall was covered with contact paper.

Adhere white contact paper to wall | diy faux board and batten tutorial
Adhere white contact paper to wall | diy faux board and batten tutorial

2. Purchase PVC Trim Molding

I picked the widest but lightest pieces of PVC molding for this project. The contact paper I used was 17.7″ wide so I spaced my board and batten 35.4″ so every other seam was covered. For my half bath, I needed three 36″ PVC molding pieces and 1 long PVC molding piece for the top. While in the store I asked an employee to cut the trim before I purchased it.

Purchase pvc trim molding and have it cut in store | step 2 for a faux board and batten
Purchase pvc trim molding and have it cut in store | step 2 for a faux board and batten

3. Apply 3M Command Strips to Trim Molding

Place 15lb+ picture hanging strips along the back side of trim molding every few inches.

Apply 3m command strips to trim molding, step 3 of how to make faux board and batten

4. Attach PVC Molding to the Wall

Attach each short piece of molding to the wall with the picture hanging strips. Push firmly once installed. I recommend using a level to make sure the pieces are straight. I attached my board and batten every 35.4″ so every other seam was covered.

Attach pvc molding to the wall using hanging strips and a level | how to make faux board and batten
Attach pvc molding to the wall using hanging strips and a level | how to make faux board and batten

5. Attach the Top PVC Molding Piece

If you are wallpapering the upper wall, I recommend waiting to adhere the top PVC piece to the wall until after the wallpaper goes up. Then using picture hanging strips, press the PVC molding to the wall. It will rest on the lower PVC molding pieces.

How to create faux board and batten, apartment friendly and temporary

Faux Board and Batten Supply List:

Total cost: $70.31 

Oh and here is a link to the fun dog wallpaper! I am a sucker for Rifle Paper Co. prints. And this dog wallpaper is peel-and-stick and rental-friendly.

How to create faux board and batten, apartment friendly and temporary

Overall I am pleased with how the faux board and batten turned out! It was a relatively low-effort DIY project and elevated the bathroom’s style. Faux board and batten are more unique than just adding artwork, and it is removable and therefore rental friendly.

Rental Friendly Faux Board and Batten

Rental Friendly Faux Board and Batten

Step-by-step instructions for creating a faux board and batten using contact paper and PVC trim. This DIY project is rental-friendly and doesn’t require any power tools. 

Prep Time 30 minutes
Active Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Difficulty easy


    1. Adhere White Contact Paper to the Wall

Measure the height you want for your contact paper and install top to bottom using a wallpaper smoothing tool. I started in the middle of the wall, then repeated on either side until the bottom half of the wall was covered with contact paper.

2. Purchase PVC Trim Molding

I picked the widest but lightest pieces of PVC molding for this project. The contact paper I used was 17.7″ wide so I spaced my board and batten 35.4″ so every other seam was covered. For my half bath, I needed 3 short PVC pieces and 1 longer PVC piece for the top. While in the store I asked an employee to cut the trim before I purchased it.

3. Apply Command Strips to Trim Molding

Place 15lb+ picture hanging strips along the back side of trim molding every few inches.

4. Attach PVC Molding to the Wall

Attach each short piece of molding to the wall with the picture hanging strips. Push firmly once installed. I recommend using a level to make sure the pieces are straight. I attached my board and batten every 35.4″ so every other seam was covered.

5. Attach the Top PVC Molding Piece

If you are wallpapering the upper wall, I recommend waiting to adhere the top PVC piece to the wall until after the wallpaper goes up. Then using picture hanging strips, press the PVC molding to the wall. It will rest on the lower PVC molding pieces.

Rental friendly faux board and batten diy with dog wallpaper on the upper wall
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Julia Fain

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